Celebrity Filmmaking

After A Lifetime Of Accomplishments, Who Tells Your Story?

We believe that nobody but you should own your story.

Sadly, some of the people with the most compelling stories don't actually own them.  It is true. 

Too often, it isn't until a professional athlete or an entertainer dies that their families realize how little of their loved one's story they own or control.

The studios own the movies and TV show episodes.   The league owns the photos and game footage.  Fame doesn't always come with fortune.   Yet your story has real financial value.

But as a public figure, you have come to realize that often others profit from your story, while you don't. 

We don't think that is right.  You are entitled to share your story on your terms while making the most of it.  That is why we are here to help you.

We want you to be STORYSMART® about your story so you make the most of it for your family for generations to come.   It is free to have a confidential conversation with us. 


Preserve Your Legacy.  Protect Your Brand.  Own Your Story.

Our Storytelling Development Services

  • Assess, Advise & Monetize

    Each person's situation is unique to them.  Just like their story.  

    We can help you figure out what you want to do with your story.  

    Do you want to monetize it by having it turned into the next Netflix hit or NFT collectors series?  

    Or do you simply want to pass it down to your family so they remember you when you are gone?

    We operate from the fundamental philosophy that nobody but you should own or profit from your story but you.  

    While we are here to help you, you own the copyright on everything.  

    It is free to talk to us to see if we can help you.  

  • Digital Preservation Services

    We help you organize and preserve your story by helping you build a searchable digital archive.  

    You probably have hundreds or even thousands of photographs.  

    You likely have news clips, magazine articles, memorabilia and host of other ephemera that you should organize, inventory and get appraised.   

    You should also have it digitized so you can share it with your family and use it to tell your story.   

    Physical rights and digital rights are two legally distinct things.   That means that can retain digital rights on your memorabilia, while you can sell the physical item to a collector.  Or vice versa.   

    We work with the most respected archivists in the industry who can help you organize your collection.  Then we can help you use your collection to help tell your story.

    We work with archival partners that employ a team of fully trained archivists and image technicians that utilize a wide variety of state-of-the-art scanning and digitization equipment approved by the National Archives and Smithsonian Institution with the ability to adhere to strict FADGI guidelines.  Our partners specialize in high-speed/high-resolution image capture digitization workflows that have attracted signature archival collection from around the US including Oprah Winfrey and Billy Graham.

  • Filmmaking As A Service

    We provide premium filmmaking as a service. 

    We customize the storytelling work to suit your unique needs.

    We can help you do a full blown documentary or a small story or anything in between.  

    No matter what we do, you own it as though you did yourself.    Be sure to ask us about our proprietary My Own Story™ film series.

Preserve, Organize and Share Your Story

We want to help you make the most of your story.     

Often, the first step is helping you preserve and organize you story in an easy-to-access, searchable digital archive. 

Then we help you develop a storytelling strategy that aligns with your goals and fits your unique circumstances. 

You drive and own the process each step of the way. 

We become your trusted advisor helping you preserve and monetize your story so hold onto your legacy.   We help you assess what you have, get control of your intellectual property and organize your family archive. 

Ultimately, our mission is to help you get control of all of your storytelling source material and connect  you with the best storytellers in the industry. 

We want you to preserve your legacy, build your brand and provide for you family well into the future.

For athletes, celebrities and other public figures, storytelling can look like producing a documentary film, a biopic movie, or a broadway musical.  It could involve writing a bestselling biography, developing a lucrative licensing and merchandising strategy, or just organizing everything to be shared within the family.

It is entirely up to you.  After all, it is your story.

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