Jacob Moss Biography

Jacob Moss

Filmmaker & Multimedia Journalist

New York, New York

Jacob is an award-winning filmmaker with six years of video production experience in New York and Washington DC, both on teams and by himself, and with a range of budgets.

His film, Immunotherapy: The Battle Within , won an award in the Colorado International Activism Film Festival and has been featured in The Big Apple Film Festival.

For two years, he engineered and produced 20 hours of live content per week, and he was a central player in the opening of The Hip-Hop Museum DC.

Jacob has worked in varying degrees with VICE News, CBS, NBC, Netflix, the NAACP, Carnegie Hall, the Greek Archdiocese, and The Sugarhill Gang.

A graduate of the University of New Hampshire, he studied Human Geography, a field in which he learned about the world from linguistic, cultural, political, and spatial points of view, how they all relate to each other, and can help to create a better planet. 

Jacob is a storyteller at heart, and loves digging into potential mountains of footage to find the key gold nuggets that create a great story.

Find Jacob's work at jacobmossmedia.com

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